Spaces Experiences

At the start of my master's, I joined three fellow industrial design students with their pre-startup company Spaces Experiences that aimed to create interactive shared experiences. My final bachelor project DuoDrum was combined with another final bachelor project that allowed people to create generative artworks collaboratively. In the combined installation, people could create drum rhythms together using DuoDrum, and the generative artwork responded live to the created music. Parameters of the artwork could also be adjusted with a tangible user interface, allowing at least four people to interact with the system together.

The installation was featured at various events, such as Dutch Design Week, Maker Faire Eindhoven, and Night of the Nerds. I left the group right before they officially became a startup company because I wanted to focus on my education and my vision did not entirely align with the plans the rest had for the future.

My main contribution was implementing the connection with DuoDrum to the interactive art and ideating and prototyping the interface for controlling the artwork. Although business aspects were not my focus, I still got more experience in networking and promoting the installation. These events allowed many people to interact with the system, which gave me a better understanding of how different types of users interact and respond to certain design choices.

Designers Nick van Geenen
Jeppe Groen
Robbe Nagel
Bram Sinke
Year 2022-2023 Type of project Extracurricular: pre-startup Topics Music making
Shared user experiences
Expertise areas BE US TR