Augmented Reality (AR) has been around for a while. The user experience value it brings to games
and play is a topic that has not seen much attention. Most AR applications are gimmicky, and
often use the technology solely for placing virtual objects in the real world. In our project we
aimed to explore what value the integration of AR in tabletop games can bring to the user's play
experience. We explored our topic through exploratory prototyping and playtesting, which led to
our final board game design: Eye of the Cyclops.
With a group of up to four adventurers you enter the ruins in search for treasure. The only
problem is that only the cyclops knows where the treasures are buried. Using a revealing spell,
you and your team are able to look through the eye of the cyclops to reveal the treasures, and
try to steal them without getting caught.
For the final game and prototype, my main
contributions were tweaking the rules and writing the rulebook, designing board layouts, 3D
modeling the phone holder and cyclops head, and 3D-printing parts. Before we started
working on the final concept, I contributed a lot in the ideating, brainstorming, and exploring
phases, and created working prototypes with AR.
With help from our coach, the results from this project have been turned into a research paper that was published at
the 22nd IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing in November of 2023.
The process of transforming the work into a publishable paper was a valuable experience,
it made the differences between research papers and design reports much clearer for me.