MUXE is an interactive product that allows people to create music with their own hands in a fun and simple way. No previous knowledge required! MUXE consists of separate hexagons that represent musical instruments on which small attachments can be placed and rotated to explore and alter synths, beats, melodies and to build upon a full song.

Our goal was to make creating music tangible and accessible to everyone, regardless of their knowledge of music. The target audience were young adults that are interested in music creation but are affected by the high entry barrier to both tangible/analog and digital music creation. The function of Muxe is not to teach the user music theory in a playful way, but to teach them how to make songs and create music they like. Furthermore, we wanted to create a fun, explorative and enjoyable user experience with a song the user created as a reward in the end.

Explanation video by Elena Dagg and Carmen Enriquez with music from Rodion Galiullin. 3D models and renders by Kaj Coolen. Technical prototype and video by me.

Designers Kaj Coolen
Elena Dagg
Carmen Enriquez
Rodion Galiullin
Jeppe Groen
Year 2020 Type of project Bachelor year 1
Design project
Coaches Sander Lucas
Marijn van der Steen
Topics Music making
Tangible user interfaces
Modular systems